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Каталог » N-Power » Системы прецизионного кондиционирования Emicon / Эмикон » Вентиляторные доводчики (фанкойлы) » Вентиляторные доводчики (фанкойлы) Emicon VTZ 22 с центробежным вентилятором

Вентиляторные доводчики (фанкойлы) Emicon VTZ 22 с центробежным вентилятором

Fan coils with tangential fans
VT… — ST… Series
Cooling capacity from 0,86 to 11 kW
VTL 22 STL 42
  • The wide range of VC series is able to meet the several and different requirements of conditioning market.
  • These units are equipped with tangential fans and are planned for on sight (VT…) or built-in installation (ST…).
Available versions
VTL… down air intake.
VTZ… frontal air intake with foot.
VTY… frontal air intake.
VTK… back air intake.
VTW… frontal air intake with foot.
STL… vertical air discharge.
STW… horizontal air discharge.
STK… horizontal air discharge.
Made in galvanized steel plate, covered by a white polyvinyl chloride film, combining an excellent solidity and functionality with a simple but elegant design. The cabinet is internally covered by sound-proofing and thermo protective material of very good quality.
It is placed on the upper side of the housing, and, thanks to a careful design and innovative fluid dynamic qualities, allows an effective and noiseless air diffusion. It is made up of grey pressure-printed ABS, as well as the panels to enter the control board and the connections room, it is fine fitted to.
With copper pipes and aluminium fins, fixed on pipes through mechanical expansion, with special and innovative profile for a higher exchanging power. Manifolds are on the left side of the unit (considering a frontal point of view) and made up of brass casting with female gas screwed connections and completed with two air vent valves 1/8" gas.
N.B. it is not possible to have the manifolds on the right side.
Under the coil it is drain pan.
Tangential fan with horizontally developed impellers, 1 Ph direct connected motor with overcharge protection.
Made up of honeycomb polypropylene filtering material, supported by a metal frame. REGULATION SYSTEM
In the vertical version with cabinet, the fan coils are supplied with a basic board with ON/OFF switch and switch for the three fan speeds (TA).
AD Hydraulic connections / manifolds on the right side.
BC Auxiliary hot water coil for 4-pipes installation.
BR Additional drain pan.
CPI Built-in, steel plate feet.
CPV On sight, painted steel plate feet.
CPZ Painted steel plate feet for back panel LP.
FR Spare air filter.
GB ABS fixed air inlet grid with filter for STL — STW — STK versions.
GD ABS fixed air inlet grid without filter for STL — STW — STK versions.
GO Adjustable air discharge grids.
JA Straight plenum on air discharge.
JB Insulated 90° plenum on air discharge.
JC 90° plenum on air inlet.
JD Telescopic extension for straight and 90° plenums.
K22 ON/OFF 2-way valves for 2-pipe systems.
K32 ON/OFF 3-way valves for 2-pipe systems.
K24 ON/OFF 2-way valves for 4-pipe systems.
K34 ON/OFF 3-way valves for 4-pipe systems.
LA White pre-painted steel panel + 90° plenum on air inlet for STW versions.
LB White pre-painted steel panel + 90° plenum on air inlet and discharge for STL and STK versions.
LC White painted wood panel with 90° plenum on air inlet for STW version
LD White painted wood panel with 90° plenum on air inlet and discharge for STL and SCK versions.
LE Painted lower closing panel without grid.
LF Painted lower closing panel with grid and filter.
LP Painted back closing panel (for fan coil installation on sight, far from the wall).
PB Condensing water pump.
RE Electric heaters.
SI Interface card for the control of max 4 units with only one thermostat (one card and one thermostat every 4 units).
TA Electronic thermostat to be installed on unit border with: manual ON/OFF switch, summer/winter manual switch, 3 speed manual selection switch (already included on VTL — VTZ — VTY versions).
TB TA Electronic thermostat with additional bulb room thermostat.
T1 TA Electronic thermostat with additional electronic thermostat with NTC probe for control of room temperature (for VTL – VTZ – VTY versions it can standard TA).
T2 Additional water low temperature with probe TA — TB and T1, in order to permit the starting of the fan only when the hot water is on the right temperature.
T3 Remote control with: manual ON/OFF switch, summer/winter manual switch, 3 speed manual selection switch (in replacement of TA).
T4 Programmable remote electronic control (in replacement of on-board control) for control of temperature, fan, valves, electric heater, heat/cool cicle, filter.
T5 Programmable electronic control with infrared distant control, not usable with RE (in replacement of on-board control) for control of: temperature, fan, valves, condensing water pump, heat/cool cicle, fresh air louver, air/water probes, clock, ON/OFF timer).
V2 Shut-off valves for 2-pipe systems.
V4 Shut-off valves for 4-pipe systems.